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Friday, April 3, 2015

Yesterday - Poem of Jesus through His Mother's eyes.


Yesterday my son was born, a beautiful boy is He. 
Yesterday He smiled at me, and filled my heart with glee.

Yesterday I held His hand, so small and baby soft.
Yesterday I watched Him sleep up in our little loft.

Yesterday I watched Him pray to His Father up above
Yesterday He told me all about His Father’s love.

Yesterday I saw Him read, to quench His thirsty mind.
Yesterday I saw Him play with gentleness so kind.

Yesterday I heard Him teach about the things He knew.
Yesterday more people came, and He did teach them too.

Yesterday I told my Son, that I did love Him so.
Yesterday my son told me it was time for Him to go.

Yesterday I heard about my son in Galilee.
Yesterday I learned my son had caused a man to see.

Yesterday His letter came and silently I read.
Yesterday I thought of Him, as I beheld His empty bed.

Yesterday I missed Him so, and wished He were nearby.
Yesterday my selfishness did bring me down to cry.

Yesterday with little food, my son had thousands fed.
Yesterday a dear close friend, my son raised from the dead.

Yesterday He came home to me and slept here in my hold.
Yesterday He gave me strength thru love more precious than gold.

Yesterday He left again, yet I did wave and smile.
Yesterday my son taught me to go the extra mile.

Yesterday a friend approached and thanked me for my son.
Yesterday a stranger said, he knew my son’s the One.

Yesterday my heart was full of love for my son’s life.
Yesterday it broke my heart, for I learned of my son’s strife.

Yesterday the government asked my son to cease.
Yesterday my son did eat with friends a special feast.

Yesterday He prayed all night and bled from every pore.
Yesterday the sins of all, my son graciously paid for.

Yesterday my son’s dear friend betrayed Him with a kiss.
Yesterday His enemies did beat Him with their fists.

Yesterday they spit on Him, and whipped Him without cause.
Yesterday the wounds still fresh, yet the beatings did not pause.

Yesterday they sentenced Him, to death their judgment lacked.
Yesterday they threw stones at Him as a cross bore upon His back.

Yesterday they placed a crown of thorns upon His head.
Yesterday they cheered and jeered, knowing soon He would be dead.

Yesterday large nails were hammered deep in His hands and feet.
Yesterday His wrists were nailed, to insure His flesh's defeat.

Yesterday they raised Him up, high upon Calvary’s Hill.
Yesterday I saw my son hanging oh so very still.

Yesterday He looked at me and pierced me with His eye.
Yesterday I knew my son was not afraid to die.

Yesterday He spoke out loud to the Father whom He knew.
Yesterday He forgave them all, “For they know not what they do.”

Yesterday He closed His eyes and I did mourn for His sake.
Yesterday the sky grew dark and all the earth did shake.

Yesterday they moved my son, and placed Him in a tomb.
Yesterday I prayed for Him as I knelt within my room.

Yesterday I went to Him, to visit His resting place.
Yesterday I sought Him there, but He was gone without a trace.

Yesterday my son returned and glorious was His greet.
Yesterday my son lived again for I saw His hands and feet.

Yesterday my heart was full, for the mission of my son.
Today my soul rejoiceth, for I know He is the One.

Yesterday He died for us, and paid for all our sins.
Tomorrow if today’s lived right, we’ll live with Him again.

By Horace R Hallenberger