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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Who was Washington?

Who was Washington?
Where did his legacy go?
I’ve asked my friends and neighbors,
Nobody seems to know.

Two centuries have past and more,
Since George was leading men,
Those who wanted liberty,
For freedom which they’d defend.

He led a Nation from the ground,
From the oppression of a king.
He overcame a mighty Navy,
The best the world had seen.

He led them with great courage,
With faith in God above.
The same God that led Moses,
When His people had endured enough.

A promised land was the goal,
Just as in the ancient script.
A leader would be so needed,
With great character equipped.

There was no other at the time,
With the skill and will combined.
Of the greatest general in the land,
Or of the world you’d ever find.

He lived his life with honor,
In total service to his nation,
They revered him so dearly,
He would never leave his station.

Without him every person,
Who live in this great land.
Would be living different lives today,
They’re indebted to this man.

For the freedom that they now enjoy,
Would only be a dream.
They wouldn’t have the luxuries
Or the best of everything.

For without that very freedom, 
Our progression would have stalled.
For freedom to succeed in life
Creates the greatness in us all.

So when you stop and realize,
That your life is pretty grand.
And the country that you live in,
Is still worth taking up a stand.

Think of General Washington,
The one who made it so.
And do not let him wonder,
Where his America did go.

And when someone asks you,
Who was this Washington?
Let them know the answer,
He’s America’s greatest son.

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