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Monday, October 27, 2014

Dear Life

Dear Life

Why is living you so hard? Why are you full of heartache and grief?
How do obstacles always appear, just when I feel a little reprieve? 
I’d like to know if you laugh, do you make fun of my plight?
Do you take joy, do you smile, and do you love the sight?
Why must I live through a family broken? Or the despair of a loved one’s death?
Why do I feel such pain, and cry, why at times must I struggle for breath?
This is what I ask on so many occasions when it seems I can’t overcome.
My mind spins with emotion and I begin to come undone.
I consider my options, contemplate what shall I do?
Should I leave, should I die, should I just remain blue?
The struggle continues and I take to my knees.
I pray and I pray, “Please hear my plea”!
The tears roll down on my cheeks as I plead.
“Father in heaven, help me I pray, this is my hour of need.”
“Why don’t you hear me, why don’t you care?”
“Please let me know that you’re really there.”
I wait and I listen but only silence I do hear.
I concentrate harder for the silence do I fear.  
There is nothing but breathing, heavy and strong,
I hear my heart in my chest like the beat of a song.
Rising louder the breathing and beating becomes.
Into the sounds do my thoughts quickly succumb.
It evolves into music with a melody fine.
It floods thoughts and memories deep into my mind.
I think of my childhood, with sisters and brothers.
I remember the laughing as we played with each other.
I feel the arms of my mom as she wraps tightly around me,
As I cry into her bosom after skinning my knee.
I picture my dad and I playing catch in the field.
He laughs as he tosses the ball and I squeal.
Out loud I utter a joyous chuckle and start.
Overwhelming happiness fills up my whole heart.
My prayer now forgotten, despair disappeared.
All thoughts of the darkness are now wiped away clear.
Thank you my Father for helping me see.
Thank you for setting my troubled mind free.
So life, I believe in you, no matter how many woes.
Regardless how dark, through it light always glows.
No matter how cold, the warmth overcomes.
From within me it burns and depression is done.
Dear life, you are special, you are precious to me.
For you I’ll give thanks when upon bended knee.
My prayers no longer will utter complaint.
But my life full of joy is the picture I’ll paint.
So remember my life, as you do what you do.
I'll always keep going, and I'll always love you.


  1. Thanks for sharing your heart and soul! Enduring to the end...not an easy feat!
