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Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Dec 3, 2013 Daily HoraceScoop

So I thought I’d begin my blogging by introducing myself. My name is Horace Hallenberger and I reside in the beautiful state of Idaho in a nice city called Meridian. I have lived here for the majority of my adult life and have had many wonderful experiences alongside my family and many friends. I was born in nearby Boise in the summer of 1969. I am married to the love of my life, Trina, and we have 4 beautiful children. My oldest daughter, Syveah is 18 and a senior in High School. Amaya is my second daughter. She is 14 and a freshman. My only son is named after me but we call him Trey because he is the third Horace in my lineage. Trey is 13 and is in 8th grade. The baby of the family is Jadyn and she is 9 years old and a very smart 4th grader.

My wife spent the first 16 years of our marriage as a stay-at-home mom. She made sure that our children received all the love, support and education that a mother could give. Once our youngest was old enough to start school, Trina went back to school herself and graduated from Boise State University with her degree in Elementary Education. She now “enjoys” teaching 6th grade mathematics at the nearby middle school. 

As for me, I did some schooling at Utah State University and then some more at Boise State University. I studied in Music and Psychology. Once I was married I began a career in sales. What started as a basic job selling photographic equipment grew into multiple opportunities in corporate selling and management. It has been a very rewarding career and has provided me much satisfaction getting to know so many people and helping so many along the way.

I decided to start this blog, not necessarily to share with anyone specifically, but rather to accomplish something for myself. Earlier in life I was actually quite consistent at keeping a journal. I have enjoyed going back to those writings and reliving my past and cherishing the memories. Some of what I will share here will be from those very writings. Other inserts will be based upon my own opinions of current events. I will welcome feedback and opinions from others as they contemplate my thoughts. It will not be my wish to ever offend anyone. I hope that will never happen. I for one am not easily offended which is an attribute I am very thankful for.  I appreciate people’s opinions whether or not they are in line with my own beliefs. That is one of the great benefits of living where I do, in the great United States of America.

With that said, let me begin with today’s HoraceScoop. It may not align with the stars and all that, but it just might dig up something meaningful!

After spending a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family and some good friends of ours who moved here from Chile, I was once again surprised at how fast the “Thanksgiving” helium was let out of the holiday balloon and Black Friday was in full force before anyone had even woke up from their feast infused naps on Thursday afternoon. I think it started around 5pm. Walmart, Target and all of the big stores were about to open. People were in lines outside the stores each of them positioned in the “three-point stance” like a football player ready to bust through the line and sack the quarterback. People of all ages trying to be the first to the “door busters” specials that were advertised. Once the doors were opened the craze began. All thoughts of Thanksgiving were literally obliterated.  People are trampled if they are not fast enough. Some do not even care if they get there first or not. They will rip it away from whomever beat them there and fights ensue.  
When I see the news the following day I am sickened by the details across the country. There are people who literally die on Black Friday. How is this possible? What have we become when saving a few bucks on things like video games is worth total disregard for human safety? 
I am personally one who dreads shopping anytime. My wife has to drag me to the grocery store. I can’t even fathom what the experience of Black Friday shopping would be for me. I honestly would not know how to handle it.
I know that not everyone believes in Christianity as I do. But I have to believe that everyone has experienced the love of a parent, brother, sister, relative or friend at some point in their lives. Imagine seeing that loved one caught up on the wrong end of a Black Friday stampede? If everyone would have these thoughts they would naturally change their attitude about how they would shop on this day. I know it may never change. Not until the Black Friday specials are adjusted by the retailers. Greed will always prevail in those situations. 
I guess if I cannot discourage Black Friday shopping, perhaps I can share thoughts that might resonate with shoppers while on their quest. Perhaps a story like this might change one’s approach. 

Shoppers walk right over man as he lay dying.
If you can believe it, this happened last year.
According to West Virginia’s WSAZ, a man collapsed and died at a South Charleston Target while some shoppers stepped right over his dying body. Vance was found lying in the electronics department at the Target store, in South Charleston, off Corridor G. A witness told some shoppers didn't have any concern for Vance, but there were others who did try to step in and help. Another witness, a nurse, says she did try to help and did not see anyone being “heartless.” But if even a few shoppers walked past this man as he lay in a store aisle, that is pretty horrible.

So if we really mean for others to have a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukah each year, we might want to take the Black out of Black Friday and let the Thanks from Thanksgiving be relevant. At least that's my scoop!


  1. I can agree with you about shopping especially on Black Friday but I'm one of those weird chicks who would really rather pluck my eyebrows or endure Chinese water torture all day than have to go shopping
