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Friday, December 27, 2013

Prove It!!

We all have certain dates that come each year and bring a memory, good or bad, to us. Usually these are associated with holidays or birthdays or anniversaries. For me Dec 26th is a day that always takes me back to a life altering moment of my own.

Let me begin by letting you know that I met a girl on Sept. 9, 1991, and I was absolutely twitterpated. I was head over heels in love from day one. So much so that 4 months later I proposed to her and she accepted. We were scheduled to be married in the spring of 1992. Life was grand.

We went through the normal preparations that most couples do for their special day. We had scheduled flower arrangements to be made, picked out our colors, bridesmaid’s dresses and tuxedos for the wedding party. All was moving along nicely.

About 4 weeks before the big day, my fiance and I were enjoying a nice day together. During the evening we cuddled and watched a movie together. As it became late I could tell something was on her mind but she seemed content. Then out of nowhere she began to break-out in some sort of rash. Her face and arms were blotchy, puffy and red. It happened so fast and spread throughout her body.

She immediately wanted to go home so we hopped in my 1979 VW Rabbit and headed to her house. When we arrived she got out and ran into the house. Her mom was awake and could see that something wasn’t right. She looked at her and told her she had the hives and that she needed Benadryl and to be put into a bath with baking soda. They hurried down the hall and I was left standing at the door. I tried to say good night to them but I don’t think that they heard so I left and went back home.

The next day she called me and said she wanted to talk. I drove to her home again and we went for a little ride. She began to tell me all about the night before and how she had become overwhelmed with stress and anxiety that she triggered the hives breakout. When I asked her what she was so stressed about, I would not like the answer.

She told me that she had been having cold feet about the wedding and needed to postpone it. She cried as she told me how scared she had been. She said that she loved me but she had not experienced enough dating and life to jump into marriage.  She wasn’t breaking up with me exactly but it was close. She wanted to date other people and know that she was making the right choices.

She handed me the engagement ring that I had given her and I refused to take it. I told her that the offer still stood and that I wasn’t going anywhere unless she told me for sure that it wasn’t to be.  She took the ring and I kissed her. I told her I loved her and that my decision was clear. I assured her that I was not upset or discouraged in her decision to wait. I had lived through broken marriages in my childhood and I would not want to start my own family with someone who had any doubts at all about me.

She said she would see me later and she got out of the car and when into her house. I sat there for a few moments with a flood of thoughts and emotion. Oh, how I loved that girl.

We continued to date throughout the spring and summer. I was still pretty exclusive with only a few friendly dates here and there. She, however, was slightly more active with the dating scene. Besides regular dates with yours truly, she was spending lots of time with more guys that I could count. I know because many of her dates ended with her finding me waiting for her at her home. Perhaps it was awkward for her and even more for her parents but I just had to know that she was ok and home safe. I also wanted to know just how much of a connection she had made with each guy. Needless to say it was gut-wrenching.

Our dates together were still awesome. We had so much fun when we were together. In the back of my mind I would wonder if she had that much fun with her other beaus. It was like a 1992 version of the Bachelorette and I just didn’t know if I would get the final rose.

As summer faded into fall and November fell upon us, her brother returned from his mission in New York. He wasted no time in telling his little sister that she needed to do something about the situation. She needed to either marry me or let me go and move on with my life.  So she sat me down at Thanksgiving after dinner and told me that she would let me know by Christmas one way or the other where I stood.  The wait was on. And it was agonizing.

Christmas arrived and I was quite excited and a little anxious. One way or the other I would know if I would spend the eternities with this sweet young lady.

She came over to my house Christmas morning. My family was full of excitement as we began to open up the gifts from Santa and everyone else. My younger siblings Michael, Robert, John, Heidi and Rebecca were there along with my Dad. It was a good morning. Near the end of the gift opening, she handed me a small wrapped box and told me “Merry Christmas”. I examined the box and became a little excited because it appeared to be a type of jewelry box. Like a ring box!  I gave her a look and then began to open up the gift.
It was definitely a jewelry box. I opened the box and sure enough, inside was a beautiful shiny…………silver, CTR ring.  I stared at it and then awkwardly smiled and told Trina thanks. She smiled big and gave me a hug.  And that was it.

The rest of the day was a normal Christmas Day. We went to her house for the rest of the day and played games with her family until pretty late that night. When I left her home I said good night to her out on her front porch. I stalled as much as possible before it became awkward and then I left. The whole ride home was full of mixed feelings. I didn’t get my answer. Perhaps that was my answer and she didn’t have the heart to break the sad news to me. I began to think of how I would now proceed with my life.  I got home, climbed into my bed and laid there thinking of all that had happened. Or rather, had not happened. It was early morning before I finally drifted off into a restless sleep.

December 26, 1992. Dad knocked on my bedroom door and told me to get up so they could do pictures. I continued to lay in my bed and drifted in and out of sleep. I was awoken again by my Dad, but this time he said there was someone at the door for me. I got up and slowly walked out, down the hall into the family room. Standing at the front door was a police officer. I looked at her quizzically and she asked if she could speak with me outside.

I followed her outside and shut the door behind me. She then told me that there was an incident and that I was wanted for questioning by some detectives. She told me that I needed to go with her and she asked me to put on some warmer clothes.

Still half asleep I went back inside and saw my entire family staring at me in horror. I walked back to my bedroom and put on a pair of sweatpants and a warm shirt. I put on some black shoes and socks. I was trying to be quick and didn’t really worry about fashion.

My brother, Michael came in and immediately asked what was going on. I told him I had no idea. “Do you think someone is playing a joke on you?” He asked.

My mind began to operate in overdrive as I began to think if this was a possibility. I thought of my friends from Idaho Camera, where I worked. I thought of people from church. I could not think of anyone who would be pulling a prank.

I walked out of the room and returned to the front door where the officer was waiting. As I grabbed my coat the officer noticed that my little brother John had picked up his new BB gun. “Son, I’m afraid I must ask you to put down the gun” the officer told him sternly. John looked at her with a little fear in his eyes and quickly set the gun down.

As I was stepping out the door I noticed that my other brother, Robert, was crying. Everyone was confused and worried. They had never seen their older brother in any sort of trouble before. It was devastating.
As we got out on the porch and shut the door behind us, the officer asked me to turn around. She told me that she needed to pat me down to make sure I wasn’t carrying any weapons. After patting me down she had me turn back around and she said she needed to place me in handcuffs during while I was in the car. She cuffed me with my hands in front and then led me to her car. She opened the door and helped me in, keeping my head from hitting as I ducked inside the car.

I stared at the cage that separated the back seat from the front. What was going on? I couldn’t wrap my head around it. My head was swirling as we drove away from my house.

As we drove I was torn between thoughts of being set up by someone messing with me and an actual case of mistaken identity. We drove down State St. in Boise to Glenwood Blvd. We drove up the hill and turned and drove past Capital High School. We continued all the way to Five Mile Rd. and turned south. I began to get a little worried because we were nearing the area where my girlfriend lived. I began to wonder if something had happened at their home and that someone had seen that I had left there very late the night before. I got a sick feeling in my stomach wondering if something had happened to my girl.

I began to think like McGyver. I was trying to figure out how I could get out of the cuffs and somehow escape. Perhaps I could confiscate the officer’s gun. I knew that wouldn’t work. This lady was tough. She actually kind of scared me a little.

I was relieved when we drove past Ustick Rd. That was the last turn off that would have led to her home. As we were approached Fairview Ave we turned and entered the parking lot at Deseret Industries. We made a circle in the parking lot and then exited back onto Fairview. Was she looking for someone? She continued to drive and turned back onto Five Mile and then turned into the parking lot at the K-mart. She said, “This is a very serious matter, Horace, and you need to be totally honest with us.”

“OK” I choked in reply.

She pulled right in front of the store and parked the car. She got out and then opened my door. She led me onto the walkway about 30ft to the right of the store entrance. “Get up against the wall” she ordered. So I walked to the wall and facing the wall I assumed the position with my legs spread like I had seen criminals on TV do. She told me I didn’t need to do that and she walked up to me and took the cuffs off my wrists. She looked at me very stern like and repeated how serious this situation was. Then she handed me a piece of paper.

I looked at the paper and began to read what was written. It was a legal document. I was being summoned. I continue to read. The plaintiff was my girlfriend. The document stated that I had wanted to marry her. If that were true then there were some things that I needed to do to prove that I loved her and that I was worthy of her love. I began to smile.

The officer then told me that I should remain there and that further instructions would be provided. She shook my hand and quickly returned to her vehicle and drove away. She had no sooner left me, when I saw a crazy driver in the parking lot swerving as he drove up to where I was standing. It was my girlfriend’s brother. He had a video camera which he was trying to keep focused on me as he drove. He got out of his car and came around to me.

“Horace, what are you thinking?” He asked me.

I didn’t say much. I just kept grinning.

“Well you have some work to do.” He said as he handed me a stack of about 100 florescent colored flyers. I looked at them and read what they had printed on them.

“I LOVE TRINA, I WANT TO MARRY HER!”  I smiled some more.

“Horace, you need to take these flyers and hand them out to customers as they come to enter into the K-mart.” Her brother, whose name is Eric, stated.

I looked around. It was about 11am on the day after Christmas. It was extremely busy. (K-mart was a popular place still at that time). Without hesitation, I walked up to the nearest customer walking towards the entrance and handed them a flyer. They took it, glanced at it and then looked back at me and smiled. I continued to do this and most everyone who accepted the flyer had the same reaction. Eric continued to record and even stopped a few of the passerby’s and asked them what they thought of what I was doing. “He’s crazy” or “He is so sweet” were common answers. One guy said “He might want to comb his hair.”  I hadn’t thought to comb my hair. I didn’t know I was going to be in public like this.

After all of the flyers were gone, Eric said “You’re not done yet. You still have some work to do!” I followed him to his car and we got in. We drove out of the parking lot and onto Fairview heading east. As we drove he handed me another piece of paper. I read it and was a little less excited with the instructions I was reading. I was to go into Wendy’s restaurant, ask for everyone’s attention, and then sing a song that was written on the paper. I was to sing this song to the tune of “Frosty the Snowman”. The words would be “I love Trina, she’s a beautiful sweet soul”….etc.

Now don’t get me wrong, I really like to sing. I’m not that talented but it’s just something I enjoy. However, in my current condition it made me more than a little apprehensive. First of all my hair was disheveled. I had total bedhead. I was dressed like I had thrown whatever was on top of my dirty laundry basket on. To gather attention to myself at that time was not preferred.

We pulled into the parking lot at the Wendy’s on Fairview. We got out and started to walk to the entrance. Right before we went in I reached up on top of Eric’s head and took his baseball cap and placed it on my own head. He didn’t seem to mind and just chuckled as he continued to video everything.  Once inside he said “The stage is all yours, Horace!”

I slothfully moved to the front of the store. I looked around. People were already sensing that something was about to happen as they saw the Eric and the video camera pointed directly at me. It would have to be lunch time. The place was packed with customers. I looked at Eric and he smiled and nodded. I cleared my throat and then with a loud voice said “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?”

People became quiet and turned towards me. I said, “I have a little song I would like to sing to you.” I heard some snickering and giggling as I again cleared my throat. I sang it as well as I could and loud enough for everyone to hear. I saw women reach over to their dates and hold their hands and others smiling and getting that “awwww, he’s so sweet” look.

When I finally finished the place erupted in applause. I was relieved to be done with it but I was happy with the response. People patted me on the back and shook my hand all the way out the door. When we got back into the car Eric said, “Nice job, Horace. I don’t think I could have done that.”

He started the car and we headed back out onto Fairview back in the direction we had come. He turned up Milwaukee and I became anxious when he turned into the Boise Towne Square Mall. I worked in the Mall at Idaho Camera. I knew a lot of people at Idaho Camera and throughout the mall. I was nervous at what might be required of me here. The place was an absolute zoo. Cars were everywhere. Eric drove around for a while and finally gave up and parked the car with one side up on one of the big snow piles that the plows had created.

We got out of the car and Eric walked to the back of the car and opened the back door. He reached inside and pulled out a large fluorescent cardstock sign. As he brought it around to where I was standing I realized that it was two pieces with some string between them at the top. It was a sandwich board. He handed me the instruction paper. I was to put on the sandwich board, enter the mall, and whistle a tune while skipping the entire floor plan of the mall fronts. I looked at the sandwich board. On the front was black lettering that read “I LOVE TRINA!”. The back was similar but read “I WANT TO MARRY HER!”.

I couldn’t believe that I was going to do this. The only reason I would is because I meant every word on that sandwich board. I placed it over my head and let it hang off my shoulders. It covered me from my shoulders to my knees. We went inside the main entrance and I took off before Eric could say anything. I whistled the Mickey Mouse theme and skipped as well and as fast as I could. Eric ran behind me trying to keep up.

“Slow down, Horace!” He yelled. I slowed slightly so that he could keep up. He then began to stop me and take me over to random people to interview them.

“What do you think of what this young man is doing?” he asked. Responses were varied. One lady said it was the sweetest thing she’d ever seen. Another guy said “There is no way in @%## I would do that for a girl!” One couple who was stopped said “I can’t believe anyone would do this!” to which Eric replied, “She’s making him do it.” The girl’s mouth went agape and her boyfriend walked away saying that he would have just walked away.

An older couple that we met was very nice. The lady said “This young man is to be commended” and she reached out and shook my hand. Eric asked her husband how he proposed to his wife. The man replied, “I just did it the good old fashioned way. I got down on one knee.”

As we approached the Idaho Camera location I picked up the pace and I didn’t care what Eric thought about it. I was afraid he would try to interview my work comrades and that was not a conversation I wanted to have!

After the long and exhausting skipping session I was finally done and we went back out the main entrance and the sandwich board came off. We went back to the car and I mentioned to Eric that I was getting hungry. I hadn’t eaten since the night before and all this “proving my love” stuff was wearing on me!
So we stopped at a little convenient store and got a couple of Mountain Dews and some chips. Then we were on the road again. Eric continued to video and would ask me questions about the experience. I could tell that he was having a lot of fun with it.

We drove down to Chinden Blvd. and started towards Boise. As we were driving Eric asked “Horace, what is that?” and he pointed towards a scrolling marquee sign out in front of the Bruneel Tire shop. I got a big grin on my face as I read the words “Horace, I Love You!!....Will You Marry Me?....”

Eric pulled into the Bruneel parking and stopped the car. He reached down next to his seat and grabbed a small box and handed it to me. It was the engagement ring that I had given to her almost a year before. He said, “You have some unfinished business to take care of. Go find her!”

I took the ring, got out of the car, and began to yell for Trina. I had my head on a swivel as I searched. Finally I spotted her and she came running towards me and embraced me in a huge hug. Then I saw her family start to come out from different hiding spots. I stepped away from Trina and got down on my knee and again asked her if she would make me the happiest guy in the world and be my wife. She said yes again. This time she really meant it.Then we kissed. And it has been happily ever after ever since!

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